Consultation for the proposed new model for STFs across Swansea
A message from the Director of Education.
We are consulting on a proposal to redesignate 25 STFs, change the specialism of 3 STFs, open 5 new STFs, expand 4 existing STFs and close 5 STFs in Swansea with a phased implementation commencing in September 2025.
A copy of the consultation paper, and other associated documents can be found via the following link:
This link will be shared with all staff, governors and parents.
You are invited to attend a consultation meeting on the proposals that will be held in YGG Bryn Tawe School on 14 October 2024 at 4.30pm for approximately one hour. We encourage you to attend as it is an opportunity for you to ask questions and express any views that you may have.
We are holding a Parents’ Evening for Year 11 on the same evening, therefore we would like to reassure parents that there will be enough time given for you to attend both meetings.
Thank you.