Community Event - Coffee Afternoon
Parents, carers and friends of Bryn Tawe why not join us for coffee afternoon next Wednesday? There will be an opportunity to speak to other parents and members of the community in an informal setting and enjoy some light refreshments and musical performances.
Bingo and Cake Evening 20/3/2025
Join us on the 20th of March for a game of Bingo and a piece of cake! All proceeds will go to the local Urdd Eisteddfod.
World Book Day 6/3/2025
Read on to find out more about how Bryn Tawe will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday the 6th of March.
Orielodl and Curry Evening
A night of drawing and food with Orielodl. All proceeds will go to the Urdd Eisteddfod 2025.
Please contact the school to book your place.
Cynllun Recriwtio Athrawon Uwchradd(mewn partneriaeth gyda’r Brifysgol Agored)
Mae’r ysgol yn awyddus i benodi person sydd â diddordeb mewn gyrfa fel athro/awes yn y sector uwchradd fel rhan o gynllun Tystysgrif Addysg Uwchradd gyda’r Brifysgol Agored.
Consultation for the proposed new model for STFs across Swansea
You are invited to attend a consultation meeting on the proposed new model for STFs across Swansea on 14/10/24 at 4:30pm at Bryn Tawe School. This will have an impact on Ysgol Bryn Tawe and we want to hear your thoughts!
Summer Fayre 2024
Join us for an afternoon of fun at our Summer Fayre, located in our main hall between 4-6pm on Monday the 24th of June. We have an array of stalls and activities for the whole family!
Our Summer Fayre – can you help?
We are looking for items for our School Fayre. Are you in a position to donate any of the items below or could you contribute a prize to our school raffle?
Swansea Headteachers’ letter to parents
See the letter below highlighting Swansea headteachers’ agreed concerns about the very worrying financial situation schools are facing:
End of Easter Term letter 2024
Please see the letter with some important information for the beginning of next term:
Imbulance Community Drop In sessions for MMR vaccines – adults and children.
Message from Swansea Bay University Health Board regarding MMR vaccination sessions with parents, carers and school staff.
Careers Wales Quality Award
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bryn Tawe are pleased to take part in the Careers Wales Quality Award pilot, along with 37 other schools in Wales.
Find Us
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bryn Tawe
Heol Gwyrosydd