School Uniform
School Uniform
The official school uniform gives our pupils as members of Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bryn Tawe the opportunity to be proud of their school, giving them a sense of belonging and to be prepared to maintain high standards of behaviour and commitment to the work and aims of the school.
We have high expectations in terms of uniform and every pupil is expected to conform to these rules.
Official School Uniform - Boys & Girls
Plain black shoes. Trousers must cover any plain black ‘boots’ worn. Heels over 4cm are not permitted.
Plain dark socks or black tights without a pattern.
Plain black trousers. Jeans (including skinny jeans) cords, skinny lycra trousers or combat trousers of any kind are not permitted.
Plain black knee length skirt. Tight elasticated skirts are not permitted.
Long sleeve white shirt with school tie
Official school jumper (to go with the shirt & tie)
Plain black or navy coat. Leather or imitation leather coats are not permitted.
Official Physical Education uniform - Boys & Girls
Suitable training shoes or rugby/football boots.
Official school socks, maroon with sky blue stripe/white training socks.
Football shorts/rugby shorts navy with school logo or skirt woth school logo
Official school sweat trousers.
Navy blue t-shirt with school logo.
Official school rugby shirt, maroon and light blue with school logo or PE maroon jumper with school logo
The school decides what is acceptable in terms of uniform and appearance.
If pupils do not comply disciplinary action will follow.
Only the following is acceptable: a wrist watch, one pair of plain studs at the bottom of the ear, one plain ring on one finger. Jewellery is not permitted to be worn on any other part of the body for Health and Safety reasons.
Pupils are not permitted to wear makeup, false eyelashes or fake tan. Nail varnish and nail extensions are not permitted.
Unnatural hair colour or extreme fashion styles are not permitted. The school will decide on what is extreme. An extreme style can include, shaved head, tramlines, dreadlocks, extensions etc.
Thick and or colourful hairbands / clips are not permitted – navy or plain black only.
Swop Shop
Second hand school uniform items can be bought or swapped with an unwanted item.
Open lunch time Fridays and during each parent's evening.
Requests for second hand school uniform can also be made discreetly through your child's Head of Year.

Find Us
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bryn Tawe
Heol Gwyrosydd